Pandora Langlais

Art market, authentication and art crime specialist. Expert in Impressionist and post-Impressionist art. Master degrees in Art Market and Art History from the Ecole du Louvre and Sorbonne University in Paris. Worked on catalogues raisonnés and looted art, in provenance research and authentication from Impressionism to Contemporary and Urban Art, at the Wildenstein Plattner Institute (2018-2019) and Artcurial Paris (2020). Contributor to articles in the Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime, Journal of Art Crime and on the Wildenstein Plattner Institute website. Author of a Master's thesis on the state of Impressionism in today's art market (Ecole du Louvre - 2020) and a Master's thesis on Claude Monet's first journey to the Mediterranean (under the supervision of Professor Pierre Wat - Sorbonne Paris I, 2019).

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