Workshop on Law & Art: call for papers
Ius Commune Conference 2021, will be held in Maastricht from 25 to 26 November 2021, will feature a workshop dedicated on art and law Moving Culture Goods Across Space and Time: Discussing the Changing Ideas, Laws and Actual Circulation of Cultural Goods that aims to chart some of the exciting changes currently happening in the larger field of cultural heritage law.
Interested parties are invited to submit an abstract of a paper related to one of the three themes: The return of art, The global commercialization of art: new markets, more movement and Art moving into the digital space.
Abstracts (max. 500 words) should be sent to vanessa.tuensmeyer@maastrichtuniversity and no later than 15 July 2021.
All contributions should be in English, please specify the subtheme for which you wish to submit your paper. Co-authored papers will be also considered.
More info here.
Diplomata in Scultura al Liceo Artistico Statale di Benevento, ha proseguito i suoi studi in Conservazione e restauro dei beni culturali presso l’Università degli Studi di Urbino conseguendo l’abilitazione come restauratrice. È specializzata in Arts Management e in Archeologia giudiziaria e crimini contro il Patrimonio Culturale. Co-founder dell’Associazione Art Crime Project, editore di The Journal of Cultural Heritage Crime. Membro del Direttivo Associazione Massimo Rao, è responsabile della Pinacoteca Massimo Rao. Vive e lavora a San Salvatore Telesino (BN).